We often say that Twitter is one of our most favourite ways to promote a business. Its an amazing platform to provide a value for your audience as well as it results in leads for your business.
Some ways that shouldbe used to promote business on Twitter.
1. Proper Bio.
Your bio is like an introduction of yourself or your business respectively. Your bio is the first place people’s eyes fall on when they look at your profile. Make sure that you are clear and concise about what you do. Also, make sure that your bio includes a link to your company website or landing page.
2. Using the right #Hashtags
When you use proper hashtags, people who are searching for content on specific topics can find your tweets and potentially follow you. Usage of wrong hashtags can lead to wastage of your twitter marketing efforts. You can also take a look at the hashtags that influencers in your niche are using and try some of those. Also you can try and create a custom hashtag for your business that no one is using.
3. Offer coupons and discout codes.
A good deal always attracts potential customers. Offer your followers promotional codes or coupons to encourage them to give your products and services a try. Of course, make sure you’re using the right hashtags so that people who are searching for those great deals will be more likely to find the special offers.
4. Upload Images and Videos.
Tweets with images are more likely to be retweeted than those without. Using images with your tweets is the easiest way to attarct more attention on your content. In addition to images, video are also a great way to promote your business on Twitter. Video sharing has been popular on other networks for years but until recently Twitter users had to upload videos through Vine. The new sharing feature lets you shoot and edit your video content before uploading it. Each video can be up to 30 seconds long.
These are some ways of promoting your business on twitter, if done in the right manner, Twitter Marketing can lead to positive exposure for your business. Companies have been known to have made millions from customers that found them through a Twitter account.